Alors On Danse
He who talks about studying, talks about working
He who talks about working, talks about money
He who talks about money, talks about spending
He who talks about spending, talks about debt
He who talks about debt, talks about the bailiff
And also about being in shit
He who talks about love, talks about children
Says until death do us part and says divorce
He who talks about his peers, talks about morning because problems never come alone
He who talks about a crisis, talks about a lot of people, talks about the 3th world hunger
He who talks about being tired, talks about awakening, tired from yesterday
So we party, to forget the problems
Alors On Danse
So Let's Dance
En sommarplåga? Spelar ingen roll - jag älskar den!

Peace out!
He who talks about working, talks about money
He who talks about money, talks about spending
He who talks about spending, talks about debt
He who talks about debt, talks about the bailiff
And also about being in shit
He who talks about love, talks about children
Says until death do us part and says divorce
He who talks about his peers, talks about morning because problems never come alone
He who talks about a crisis, talks about a lot of people, talks about the 3th world hunger
He who talks about being tired, talks about awakening, tired from yesterday
So we party, to forget the problems
Alors On Danse
So Let's Dance
En sommarplåga? Spelar ingen roll - jag älskar den!

Peace out!